What makes you unique?
Haven't each one of you, reading this blog tried to fit into the crowd, once in your lifetime? Be honest with me! I think we all have tried to be the same as everyone at least once. Well, if you are still being a part of " fitting into the society " mindset, I think you should step out of it. In today's world everyone wishes to be one of the people in the crowd. When a person is inspired by someone, they try to replicate every single thing they do. In my opinion, I feel that if you are motivated by an individual, you should follow their path, the efforts they put in getting to that point , but copying their whole lifestyle is just senseless. If you do something like that you are not going to reach anywhere because no matter what you do there is no such thing as the second best. If you try to be the same as everyone, then what is the point of creating you? The thing is that being similar as everyone is just boring, but if you bring out something different, a unique f...